Friday, December 14, 2007


Do you know that...

Between 1975 and 1980, 460 people died in political-related episodes, questioning the moderate and peaceful development interpretation of the post-francoist transition.

Since 1995, 76 people have been assassinated in hate-related crimes.
Most of the victims were immigrants, homosexuals, homeless,
leftists, anarchists and independentists.

There is an average of 4.000 hate agressions per year.

Hate related crimes were committed in 200 different localities.

There are more than 100 racist websites

There are 70 fascist music bands

And more than 10.000 ultras and fascists militants

Once you know that, may be you also want to know that

Hate ideologies such as Islamophobia and Antisemitism are growing
realities in the Spanish state

Catalanophobia is skyrocketing among Spanish society,
in fact it always has been a core component of the spanish nationalist discourse,
as an example, there is a military say that states that
"Barcelona deserves to be shelled every 50 years"

Spanish fascist organisations are specially active
in selected Catalan areas such as El Vallès, El Camp de Tarragona
and the City of València and surroundings

Now, if you are a decent human being,
you must understand that INDEPENDENCE is the only solution for Catalans,
in order to be a free people, living with dignity and self-respect.

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